Qassay Pro

Your Cloud Platform to boost your diagnostics business


Everything you need in a single ecosystem

Be a PRO.

Qassay Pro allows you to easily perform reporting, create prevalence maps, visualize tests and readings conducted, as well as track their traceability. Additionally, you can create sub-accounts for convenient client management.

Easy access to historical data without limits, filtering by clients, test types, countries, or users, and visualizing heat maps and / or multivariable charts.

Check test and reader usage analytics, make predictive forecasts, and keep track of your clients’ test inventory

Track active / inactive readers to increase user adoption, implement and automatic order system to keep your operations running smoothly, and manage RMA efficiently.

We offer all our clients an off-the-shelf app, but if you want to take it to the next level, with Qassay Pro you will access a 360 experience and be able to customize your device and app to your brand identity.

Cloud & Data Management

Our proprietary cloud platform uses industry-leading technology to provide secure data storage and access, offering real value to our partners by reducing infrastructure and regulatory implications.


Qassay Pro prioritizes data cybersecurity and patient privacy through anonymization. It ensures extreme cybersecurity compliance and supports integration with third-party services, laboratories, hospital information systems, and the HL7 protocol.

Tell us about your next challenge. We'll make it possible


Nuestra Señora de la Guía 19,

48810, Alonsotegi, Vizcaya (Spain)

(+34) 944982028



5901 Office Blvd. Albuquerque

NM 87109

(+1) 5053419179


Building Q, No.88, Hongyang Road, Qiandeng Town, 

Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province


Qassay (P4Q Health) 2024 © Designed for professional use

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